29.10.2015, 17:09

Als Antwort auf den Beitrag von Navigation

+4Re: Berliner spenden Lego-Steine für Ai Weiwei

Hallo Rene, Zechstein und alle,

es gibt zu dem Thema ein Statement von Lego welches ich hier mal unkommentiert poste:

By principle, we cannot comment on the dialogue we have with our customers, partners, consumers or other stakeholders. I would like to rectify a widespread misconception we see reported. I want to stress that we respect any individuals’ right to free creative expression, and we neither can nor wish to censor, prohibit or ban the creative use of LEGO bricks by any individual – be it a child, fan or artist. Millions of fans, adults, children and artists use LEGO bricks globally as a creative medium to express their imagination and creativity in many different ways and projects. These projects are not endorsed or supported by the LEGO Group. Any individual can purchase all the LEGO bricks they desire through normal sales channels – such as toy stores - or get access to LEGO bricks in other ways to create different LEGO projects if they desire to do so. However, as a company dedicated to delivering great creative play experiences to children, we refrain - on a global level - from actively engaging in or endorsing the use of LEGO bricks in projects or contexts of a political agenda. This principle is not new, but has been in place for decades. This means that when we receive requests for donations or support for projects from artists we kindly decline, in the cases where we are made aware there is a political context. This goes for brick donations as well as the possibility of purchasing LEGO bricks in very large quantities directly from the LEGO Group i.e. bulk purchase. I want to stress once again that this does not mean that we censor, prohibit or ban creative use of LEGO bricks by artists. Anyone can purchase LEGO bricks in toy stores or in other ways and use them for any purpose they desire.

Viele Grüße
Dirk - Mail


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