13.09.2014, 11:20

Editiert von
13.09.2014, 11:37

+4Rettet das Lego Fanweekend in Skaerbaek!

Ich leite hier einen Aufruf weiter, der mich heute morgen erreichte und den ich unbedingt unterstützen möchte.

Eine kurze Zusammenfassung vorweg (Original von Manuela Wesselski):

Wie Du sicherlich gehört hast wird dieses Jahr zum letzten Mal das Lego Fanweekend in Skaerbaek stattfinden.
Lluis hat eine Petition eingereicht. Bitte kopiere den folgenden Text und poste ihn im CEE-Team-Blog (Lego Community Team). Also ihr, die Lego AFOLs, Freunde, Familie usw. solltet diesen Artikel im CEE Blog (http://ceeteamblog.com/2014/09/11/the-last-lego-fan-weekend/) posten, Du musst dich im Blog nicht registrieren, schreib bitte nur Deinen Namen und Deine Mailadresse dazu!

Dear AFOL.
We are all shocked about the sad news regarding Fanweekend. And we have to do something. If you want to try to keep FanWeekend in the calendar, please copy the text below and post it in the CEE Team Blog
You don't need to register. Only put your name and email.

Dear CEE Team,
On September, 11th 2014 the AFOL Community was shocked after reading that 2014 is the last edition of the FanWeekend in Skaerbaek.
Since 2005, FanWeekend has become the REAL meeting point for all AFOLs around the world. We had the chance to meet fans from Europe, Asia, America and Australia and literally from all over the world, and it has been the only place where fans have been able to see MOCs and displays from all over the world.
Moreover, FanWeekend is not only an exhibition. During 2 or more days, all AFOLs build a small community around the exhibition, doing meetings, dinners and parties at the cottages, where all cultures are mixed and everybody speaks one language. The BRICK language.
For many AFOLs who live far from Billund, FanWeekend has been the place to be in touch with the company. Nowhere in the world an AFOL is able to talk with designers and other employees, visit the factory and the P-Shop, and even meet Mr. Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen and/or Mr. Jørgen Vig Knudstorp!
Do you think that all the talks and discussions between AFOLs and designers are useful for LEGO and the daily work of the design team? We think so.
You have seen what happens when the company calls for a fan event. AFOLs from all corners of the world answer and will come together at one place.
As member of the AFOL Community, I would request the CEE Team to be the special one. Please, SAVE FanWeekend. Try to keep this meeting point alive, where nationalities disappear and all languages become one.

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Viele Grüße
Dirk - Mail


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