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Beschreibung: Fantasy-Geschichten in LEGO
Kategorie: BlogFantasy Sprache:

Classic Castle
Beschreibung: Eine englischsprachige Community rund um das Thema Ritter & Fantasy
Kategorie: Online-GemeinschaftFantasyRitterAntik Sprache:

LEGO for Warhammer
Kategorie: FantasyRitter Sprache:

The Kingdom of Ikros
Beschreibung: You have arrived in the world of Kahlan, in the land of Ikros, a place of chivalry, sorcery, mystery and intrigue. The evil necromancer, Lord Ethelred, sends a never ending onslaught of the undead to overrun the land in his bid to take over all of Kahlan. The only thing that stands in his way of enslaving the people of this land is the good king Ulmerad. Ulmerad and his knights must remain ever vigilant, for losing to Lord Ethelred means an eternity of serving under him in his undead hordes.....
Kategorie: FantasyRitter Sprache:

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