Jan Beyer - LEGO Direct
29.01.2007, 15:57

Ambassador Gruppe - Ab heute kann man sich bewerben!

Hallo LLL, es ist wieder Zeit für eine neue Ambassador Gruppe. Ich hoffe auf viele Bewerbungen von 1000steine Mitgliedern, damit die Deutsche Community gut vertreten ist.

Da das Diskussionsforum auf Englisch ist, sind auch die Bekanntgaben auf Englisch.

Ambassador Cycle 5 Announcement

It’s been another great Ambassador session but its time for us to begin Cycle 5 of the program. This will be a new step for the program as Cycle five will be an entire year instead of only six months to get the Ambassadors even more involved and to have more time to work on longer projects.

What the Ambassadors achieved in the last cycle:
• The Ambassadors continued their various feedback and work in the development process for new products, upcoming product lines and improving current and future products (also quality issues)
• Received early info about several new products
• Given feedback to potential licensees
• became the “must go to” groups for many LEGO employees to get AFOL input
and way more that we can’t tell you about!

This session has been as different as every session so far has been. The Ambassadors are establishing themselves more and more as the voice of the AFOL community within the LEGO Group and our colleagues want to get feedback from them about what they think about new products. So the understanding for and the cooperation with the AFOL community inside the LEGO Group is significant improving through the work of the Ambassador group.

They are creating great excitement within the company as well concerning what things are possible when working with AFOLs.

The folks in Cycle 4 have done a great job.

Again, thanks very much to the fourth cycle Ambassadors. You’ve done great things in the last months of your cycle and we’re glad to have worked with you.

But seeing as the fourth cycle is coming to a close, it’s time to open up the application process again. We’ll be accepting applications from January 29th through February 11th and will announce the new cycle of Ambassadors at the beginning of March. So please send you application mail to AmbassadorProgram@LEGO.com. If you’ve applied in the past but not been accepted, you’ll need to send your application email again (hopefully updated with your latest activities).

To those who will be chosen as Ambassadors for the next cycle we can promise that they will face big challenges but also will be big opportunities to bring the word of the community into the LEGO Group.

There will be the possibility to submit new ideas along with the mood and feeling of the community directly to the LEGO Group. This will help the LEGO Group get a better understanding for how we will develop products as well as how we will work with the AFOL Community in the Future.

We will also establish:
- a quarterly newsletter written by the Ambassador group for the AFOL community and the LEGO Group
- a process to provide more regularly feedback to products and other issues
- a test building concept
and other important things to make the program even better.

So face the challenge and take the opportunity to make a difference!

Regarding the application:
You will need submit a written application with all of the information you think is necessary to give us the best picture of what you do in the AFOL community online and offline. The application should explain why you think we should choose you to be an Ambassador and to speak for the whole AFOL community.
So be creative and informative.

We are looking forward to seeing a ton of applications in our inbox!

Jan and Steve
LEGO Community Team

29.01.2007, 20:09

Re: Ambassador Gruppe - Ab heute kann man sich bewerben!

» Da das Diskussionsforum auf Englisch ist, sind auch die Bekanntgaben auf
» Englisch.

Hallo Jan,
dieses Problem ist uns bekannt.

Gruss Tom

29.01.2007, 20:26

:-))))))) (ohne Text)

01.02.2007, 19:54

Re: Re: Ambassador Gruppe - Ab heute kann man sich bewerben!

Hi Tom,

» Hallo Jan,
» dieses Problem ist uns bekannt.
welches Problem?

Wie dem auch sei, meine Bewerbung für den nächsten Cycle habe ich just gerade abgegeben. Das Ambassador Programm ist meiner Meinung nach eine echte Bereicherung für die Community und ich hoffe, dass wir in Zukunft mehr deutsche Ambassadors haben werden.




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