04.03.2010, 15:38

Diese BrickBuildr-Seite - Kontakt?


Ich habe mir mal die Brick-Buildr-Seite mit dem Pick-A-Brick-Inhaltsangaben angeschaut.

Dabei ist mir aufgefallen, dass dieses System nur eine Teilesorte pro "Blase" verwalten kann.

Offensichtlich kann man den oder die Seitenbetreiber aber nur erreichen, wenn man selber ein Yahoo-Account hat - oder kennt jemand eine normale Email-Adresse von denen?

Ansonsten wäre es natürlich klasse, wenn man irgendwie die Store-Betreiber dazu bringen könnte, "Ihre" Seite aktuell zu halten...

mfg, Christian

04.03.2010, 15:54

Re: Diese BrickBuildr-Seite - Kontakt?

hi chrisitan,

schau mal hier

dort hat er sich z.b. zu wort gemeldet, er ist auch bei 1000steine registriert.
du kannst mike über (persönliche Nachricht an mhuffman) erreichen.

04.03.2010, 16:43

Re: Diese BrickBuildr-Seite - Kontakt?

» hi chrisitan,
» schau mal
» hier
» dort hat er sich z.b. zu wort gemeldet, er ist auch bei 1000steine
» registriert.
» du kannst mike über (persönliche Nachricht an mhuffman) erreichen.

Sorry about Yahoo... I wanted people to contact me through Flickr to help cut down on spam... but Gmail does a good job of filtering out spam, so my e-mail address is and I also read via Google translator... I only know a few words in German. But you can post your ideas here as well.

I'm open to suggestions with the web-site; just let me know you're ideas. I like for it to be informative as well as useful.


04.03.2010, 19:38

Re: Diese BrickBuildr-Seite - Kontakt?

hi chrisitan, hi mike

falls es sprachprobleme geben sollte bin ich gerne behilflich.
in case of communication problems i'll provide assistance.

09.03.2010, 08:40

To Mr. Huffman...

» I'm open to suggestions with the web-site; just let me know you're ideas.
» I like for it to be informative as well as useful.
I tried to reach you via email, but as I got no reply so far, I'll put my suggestions here, too:

a) The brand stores have lists what to put in which "bowl". Each bowl has up to three different parts at the moment - something that should be reflected in the design, maybe with some headroom, so you'd better put four item selectors selectors per field on the web page.

b) As LEGO has their own kind of part numbering scheme, and some of these numbers are already available from sources like BrickLink, it would be a nice option to allow entering a part/color by specifying the LEGO part number. This would be an incentive for the brand stores themselves to keep the inventory up to date, as the normal LEGO employee has no clue about BL categories, parts and colors, but has the part number right on the box and all the lists.

c) Is there a way for "normal users" to add parts to the selection list? I found "brick, 2x8" missing from the selection...

On Saturday, I started to enter the parts available in the Cologne brand store, but I ran out of slots on the page while still having about 40 parts to enter.

Yours, Christian

09.03.2010, 16:42

Re: To Mr. Huffman...

» » I'm open to suggestions with the web-site; just let me know you're ideas.
» » I like for it to be informative as well as useful.
» I tried to reach you via email, but as I got no reply so far, I'll put my
» suggestions here, too:
» a) The brand stores have lists what to put in which "bowl". Each bowl has
» up to three different parts at the moment - something that should be
» reflected in the design, maybe with some headroom, so you'd better put
» four item selectors selectors per field on the web page.
» b) As LEGO has their own kind of part numbering scheme, and some of these
» numbers are already available from sources like BrickLink, it would be a
» nice option to allow entering a part/color by specifying the LEGO part
» number. This would be an incentive for the brand stores themselves to keep
» the inventory up to date, as the normal LEGO employee has no clue about BL
» categories, parts and colors, but has the part number right on the box and
» all the lists.
» c) Is there a way for "normal users" to add parts to the selection list? I
» found "brick, 2x8" missing from the selection...
» On Saturday, I started to enter the parts available in the Cologne brand
» store, but I ran out of slots on the page while still having about 40
» parts to enter.
» Yours, Christian


Thank you for your suggestions (I did get your e-mail, by the way). Our LUG is preparing a display for a comic book convention, so I have been busy.

I'll have to restructure some things to implement (a) - this might be the hardest one out of your suggestions. I want to keep the interface clean & simple to use, so I need to put a little more thought on the best way to accomplish this, without breaking everything else.

(b) Is easy enough to do... I've started adding official LEGO colors to the database, as well as the German equivalent; adding the official LEGO part number isn't hard. It's a good idea to make the web-site more "global" friendly -- with an option to pick which language to view the web-site in -- but I might need some help in translating some of the menu items into German.

When I make changes for (b), I'll also make (c) available. It make sense to let the public manage the internal part database -- that would free me up from having to do it.

It will take me a few weeks to work the details out, make changes to the database, and write the code... I'll let you know when everything is ready.


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