30.09.2005, 21:16

Druckfähige Bilder von AFOLs mit MOCs gesucht (Ambassador Anfrage)


Hallo zusammen,

Steve Witt, ein Kollege von Jan und Jake sucht hochauflösende Bilder von AFOLs, die bei einem Event mit einem MOC zu sehen sind.

Wer ist so nett und schickt seine Bilder direkt an Steve (steve.witt|ät|america.lego.com)? Die Bilder die ich habe sind meist zu MOC-lastig und zeigen zu wenige AFOLs, die damit spielen, rumbasteln, bestaunen, fallen lassen ...

Danke für die Unterstützung und 1000grüße

P.S. Hier die Original-Anfrage in Englisch:

Hey everyone. Jake and I have been trying to put together some really
good, print quality pictures of the LEGO Community in Action. I've
found a bunch of great shots on the internet, but I know that you guys
have got to have some amazing pictures of community events that you
could help us gather.

We're doing this so that when people ask about what the community is
we'll have a few shots that we can put in front of them and say "look at
this, look at these people enjoying LEGO bricks and one another." This
is an effort for us to promote the community. So send your pictures my

REMEMBER that we're looking for pictures of people and creations
together. Pictures that don't need captions basically, the kind that
you know what you're seeing. Can't wait to see what ya'll come up with.
